The Product Inventory Countdown element is a mini element that shows a countdown for the inventory remaining of a product on your page.
Note: The Product Inventory Countdown element needs to be inside a Product element, so in order to use it, you need first insert a Product element into the page.
You can find and insert a Product Inventory Countdown element from the sidebar.
This is how the Product Inventory Countdown element looks inside the Editor
Important options
Product: Select the product to show.
Inventory source: Select the source of the inventory quantity.
Auto: Automatically get product inventory data from Shopify.
Manual: Manually set the product inventory quantity.
Quantity: The product inventory quantity. Only available if Inventory source is Manual.
Message: The message to show.
Fallback message: The message to show if the product is out of stock, or if the product quantity is undefined.
Progress bar: Change styles for the progress bar.
Effect: Enable the dynamic effect for the progress bar.
Remaining percent: The percentage of the quantity remaining which is illustrated in the progress bar.
Progress bar height: The height of the progress bar.
Progress color: The color of the quantity remaining which is illustrated in the progress bar.
Progress background color: The background color of the progress bar.