The Newsletter element allows you to effortlessly collect email addresses and grow your subscriber list. Whether you're running an e-commerce store, a blog, or any online business, building a strong email list is key to reaching your audience effectively.
Notes: The Newsletter element is only available for the Shopify version. You can see the list of subscribers inside Shopify Admin, under the Customers section.
You can find and insert a Newsletter element from the sidebar.
This is how the Newsletter element looks like inside the Editor
Important options
Name field: Options for the name field.
Show field: Show the field.
Require field: Visitors need to fill this field before submitting.
Label: Label for this field.
Placeholder: Placeholder for this field.
Email field: Options for the email field.
Label: Label for this field.
Placeholder: Placeholder for this field.
Submit field: Options for the submit button.
Label: Label for the submit button.
On success: Action after submission.
Show message: Show a message.
Redirect: Redirect to a URL.
Error message: Show an error message in case an error happens (invalid information, temporary server error).
Tags: Adds tags to the subscribers who sign up via this Newsletter form. You can filter the subscribers by tags in Shopify Admin.
Label color: Color for the labels.
Input color: Color for the inputs.
Button text color: Text color for the submit button.
Button color: Button color for the submit button.
Label size: Font size for the labels.
Input size: Font size for the inputs.