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An overview of Zeno Editor
Daniel Howard avatar
Written by Daniel Howard
Updated over a week ago

The screen that appears when you edit a page is called Editor.

Zeno Editor


The sidebar is located on the left of the Editor and contains 2 tabs: Element, Settings.

Element tab

The Element tab contains all elements that you can drag & drop into the page.

Element list

Elements are split into groups based on their role in building a page. They are:

  • Layout: for grouping elements and laying out the page structure.

  • Content: for information elements.

  • Booster: for sale-boosting and customer-growing elements.

  • Social: for social-related elements.

  • Product: for all product-related elements.

  • Blog: for all blog post-related elements.

You can move your mouse over an element, hold down and drag it into the page, release the mouse and the element will be inserted into the place you drop it. Please notice that only the places being highlighted can be dropped into.

Drag and drop

Setting tab

You can find page global settings in this tab.

Page settings


We called it "notch" because it reminds us of a similar design on some iPhone models.

Zeno notch

You can click on the "notch" to toggle the visibility of the Sidebar.


The Topbar is located at the top of the Editor, and containing the following:


You can click open Library button on the Topbar to open the Library.

Zeno Library

The library contains many pre-made sections you can insert quickly into the page.

Built in sections

It also contains custom sections you saved for later usage.

Saved sections

Undo / Redo

You can click Undo / Redo buttons to undo/redo the change you just made with the page.

Undo / Redo

Screen switcher

The Screen switcher consists of 3 buttons: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile. It allows you to change between different screen modes to edit the page for each screen.

Screen switcher


Each time you publish the page, Zeno will save a revision for the page so you can revert it back later. You can view all page revisions by clicking the Revisions button.

History revisions

View live

You can click the View live button to view the current live page. If the page is saved but not published, the live page will not be the same as in the Editor.

View live page

Save & Publish

After making a change to the page, you can click Save to save it. The page is not visible in live yet, you need to click Publish button to make it go live.

Save page


The main editing area is called Viewport.

Zeno viewport

The Viewport contains all elements on the page.

You can click on an element to show its settings in Sidebar.

Zeno Editor

From there you can make changes to the element.

Each element has a Toolbar attached to quickly save section, duplicate, and remove the element from the page.


You can move an element around by holding down on its name in the Toolbar, dragging and dropping. Easy it is, huh?

You can also right-click an element to open its context menu for even more quick options.

Context menu

And that wraps up an overview of the Zeno Editor.

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